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The Role of Leadership in Employee Experience

The Role of Leadership in Employee Experience

领导者几乎对组织的各个方面都有重大影响, 包括从文化、核心价值观到用户粘性和留存率.

领导者影响员工敬业度和留任率的主要方式之一是通过员工体验. 它们对在一个组织中日常工作的感觉影响最大. 

💡 As many as 57% of employees quit because of their boss.


What is Employee Experience?

The employee experience is the interactions an employee has with people, systems, policies and the physical & virtual workspace. 日常工作的小细节和周期性的事件和转变都很重要. 

From the moment someone looks at your job opening, to the moment they leave your company, everything that your employee learns, does, sees and feels contributes to their employee experience.

Ultimately, 他们的经历——积极的和消极的——会影响他们工作的努力程度, 他们之间的合作程度如何,或者他们是否在改善运营绩效方面进行了投资.


How Leaders Shape Employee Experience


💡 74% of employees believe leadership is the biggest influence on engagement. They are also the key to scaling a great culture, through their teams. 



Setting the Tone

Leaders set the tone for the workplace culture. 他们建立了指导员工的价值观、期望和行为. 一个提倡积极和包容文化的领导者可以为更好的员工体验做出贡献.

The opposite is also true, 我们可以在敬业度调查中看到,领导者没有投入到团队中,这对团队的所有成员都有影响. 



高效的领导者与团队成员进行清晰、透明、频繁的沟通. 开放和诚实的沟通有助于建立信任,培养员工之间的归属感, which can enhance their experience.


Support & Development

Leaders who provide opportunities for employee growth and development, as well as offer support and guidance, can contribute to a more satisfying employee experience. 这包括指导、指导和为技能建设提供资源.

我们在员工的敬业度和成就感方面看到的最常见的差距之一, is lack of clarity on employee career development. 他们经常寻求领导者帮助他们发展和建立自己的职业生涯,如果他们没有得到他们想要的指导,他们就会感到沮丧. 


Recognition & Feedback

领导者认可并欣赏员工的努力,并提供建设性的反馈,从而创造更积极的工作环境. Acknowledging and rewarding achievements can boost morale and motivation.

它可以小到一句由衷的“谢谢”,也可以对薪酬产生影响. 扩大认可文化的关键往往在于人的领导者.  


Team Building

建立一个有凝聚力和协作性的团队是领导者角色的重要组成部分. 在团队成员中培养社区意识和归属感的领导者有助于创造积极的员工体验.


What HR can do to Support their Leaders


Additionally, leaders and HR tend to have overlapping goals such as performance, retention or wellbeing. Meeting those joint goals benefits HR, the leaders and the company.


Training Opportunities

人力资源可以设计和实施领导力发展计划,提供培训和资源,帮助领导者提高他们的领导技能. These programs can cover topics such as managing careers, communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution and team building.


Coaching & Mentoring

人力资源部门可以为可能需要额外支持的领导者提供一对一的指导或指导. 这种个性化的指导可以帮助领导者确定自己的优势和需要改进的地方.


Regular Check-Ins

人力资源部门可以安排定期与领导者会面,讨论他们面临的挑战, successes, and areas where they may need support. 这些会议可以帮助人力资源部门主动识别和解决领导力问题.


Employee Feedback

人力资源部门可以通过调查、焦点小组和其他反馈机制收集员工的反馈. 这些信息可以帮助确定领导者可以改进的地方,以及员工体验可以增强的地方.

Having clear, 这方面的定期和相关数据可以成为推动企业文化和敬业战略以及塑造员工体验的有力途径. 


Leadership & Employee Surveys

员工调查为直接与领导共事的人提供了宝贵的反馈. 这些反馈可以让你深入了解领导的优势和需要改进的地方,而这些都是领导者自己可能没有意识到的.

员工调查可以衡量领导对员工体验的各个方面的影响, such as job satisfaction, engagement, and overall morale. This data can help leaders understand their influence on the workforce.

调查为员工提供了一种结构化的、通常是匿名的方式来表达他们的意见. This anonymity can encourage honesty, 因为员工可能更愿意分享自己的想法,而不用担心遭到报复.


The Ten Space Survey Platform helps leaders understand what is driving, or holding back engagement in their teams. We do this through frequent, bespoke engagement surveys, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

Our employee feedback surveys allow teams to be grouped, 这样你就可以看到每个团队的工作方式,以及你可能需要采取新方法的地方,以确保你的努力获得最大的参与度和绩效提升.

This gives leaders the chance to listen to their team, 了解组织中的问题,并努力使其变得更好.

Our dashboard gives you instant insights. We provide tools and support to help you with reporting. 这些可以让你快速有效地把反馈反馈给你的领导. 

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. Or check out how we’ve helped others create incredible workplaces in our case studies.

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