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4 Strategies for Improving Employee Experience

What does a great employee experience look like? 积极的员工体验不仅能营造健康的工作环境,还能提高工作效率, engagement and employee retention.

💡Each month in the UK, an average of 418,000 searches are conducted for ‘jobs near me’. That’s the equivalent of 13,483 searches every single day!

确保留住员工的战斗真正开始了, but more than that, 毫无疑问,你想确保他们为你提供最好的服务.

员工的才能和能力对整体生产力的贡献只是一部分. To unlock your employees’ full potential, 他们需要享受他们的工作,重视你事业的成功.


The Importance of Employee Experience

From the moment someone looks at your job opening, to the moment they leave your company, everything that your employee learns, does, sees and feels contributes to their employee experience.


Enhanced Productivity

感到被重视和投入的员工更有可能富有成效, resulting in better business outcomes.

💡 Engaged employees increase productivity by 17%.


Reduced Turnover

积极的员工体验,以及由此产生的敬业精神 higher employee retention rates,节省组织在招聘和培训方面的时间和资源.

💡 Disengagement costs UK businesses £340 billion every year.


Attraction of Top Talent

Companies that prioritise employee experience, from the first interaction to the last, attract and retain top talent, 在就业市场和整个行业中保持竞争优势.


Strategies for Improving Employee Experience

A great employee experience isn’t a one-size fits all approach. 每个工作场所都是不同的,应该采取不同的员工体验策略. 

挑选和选择最适合你的员工的想法和策略,并使其适应你的整体职场文化. After all, 如果你的员工不愿意接受,那么实施新的员工体验理念又有什么意义呢.



Develop Career Pathways

员工想知道他们在你的组织里有一个未来. 在我们进行的员工调查中,我们看到这个话题经常出现. Clearly defined career pathways, 技能发展和指导计划的机会可以让员工保持投入,并致力于他们的角色.

在整个组织中提供持续的绩效发展是至关重要的. 毕竟,对员工发展的投资就是对公司未来的投资. 职业和个人发展的机会也需要公平, transparent and accessible for all. 

制定合适的计划有助于员工获得职业发展机会, career mobility and even personal development.


Provide Flexible Working Options

Remote and hybrid workplaces are more common than ever. 让员工选择他们想工作的地方有助于他们平衡工作和个人生活,最终提高工作效率和敬业度.

灵活的工作环境可以让员工在自己喜欢的时间和环境中工作. 允许工作灵活性已被证明可以提高工作效率, health and job satisfaction while decreasing stress, costs and absenteeism. 


Conduct Regular Employee Surveys

Surveys are one of the most valuable tools an organisation has. 

员工敬业度调查使组织能够确保与员工形成情感和精神上的联系, 这也有助于提高其他指标,如工作满意度和客户体验. 关键是要确保你有一个持续的员工反馈流,这样你就知道什么是有效的,什么是你可能需要改变的. 

When conducting these surveys, consider using a third-party platform like the Ten Space Employee Survey Platform,提供定制的、匿名的、易于使用的调查和分析工具. 

At Ten Space, we also measure employee experience, 当你的员工在你的组织中移动时,跟踪他们的旅程. 这使我们能够深入了解您正在创建的体验以及您可以在何处进行优化. 

So if you want to understand how your new starters feel, what it feels like to be “top talent”, or how your company benefits are used, we can give you that insight. 


Act on Employee Feedback

Gathering feedback through surveys is only half the battle. 为了改善员工体验,关键是要根据所获得的见解采取行动. 

如果你不认真对待反馈,你就有可能创造一种糟糕的文化, or losing valuable team members, so you need to take action! 

💡 Employees who don’t feel comfortable 提供向上反馈的员工留在公司的可能性要低16%.

Creating great processes & habits around employee feedback & actions will pay off. This will come through in both survey completion rates, engagement levels, healthy culture and ultimately employee retention.

同样重要的是要记住,你的工作场所和你的员工是不断变化的, 定期的洞察和数据可以帮助你走在这些变化的前面,并确保你的员工体验总是他们所需要的. 


Employee Surveys & Employee Experience

十大空间调查平台帮助领导者了解驱动因素, or holding back engagement in their teams. We do this through frequent, bespoke engagement surveys, designed to get to the heart of culture and engagement.

我们的员工旅程工具可以帮助您详细了解员工的经历, 要建立一个伟大的图景,什么是建立粘性和哪里你有机会提高.

它让人力资源团队和领导者有机会倾听他们的团队, 了解组织中的问题,并努力使其变得更好.

Our dashboard gives you instant insights. We provide tools and support to help you with reporting. 这些可以让你快速有效地把反馈反馈给你的领导. 

Start your journey to high engagement with us by getting in touch. 或者看看我们是如何帮助别人在我们的工作中创造令人难以置信的工作场所的 case studies.

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