

We want to let our members and the community know that we are, 尽管远程工作, still very much open for business during this turbulent period.

我们相信全球最大的博彩平台数字, as the trade body for tech and digital businesses in the region, has a duty of care to our members and to the wider community of which we serve. 由于目前的情况, 我们通常传递的大部分价值——事件, 会议, 聚会, 研讨会, 会谈, 人才及技能计划等, 会被暂停吗.

Unsurprisingly, in these uncertain times we have had to review most of our our events plans. As such UpFront Conference and the Fintech Forum will be postponed until further notice. We will also be limiting a lot of our Digital Futures and 数字她 outreach activities until such a time that is feels appropriate to resume our commitment. 

This page will act as a live resource that will be updated with new information and guidance around COVID-19 as and when it becomes available.

What Manchester Digital is doing to help our members and the community


Coronavirus 支持: Manchester Digital to provide free membership

The Ultimate Guide to Online Coding Schools, Coding Clubs, Coding Bootcamps and Meetups 

Virtual Coffee Morning, A Manchester / West Country Networking Mash- up

Watch our Coronavirus Employment Law Ask Me Anything with LexLeyton

covid - 19 -有用资源列表


Watch our online event that took place on 27/03 Freelancer Hangout - Self Employment 支持 Discussion

十大正规博彩网站评级 our webinar on 31/03 Coronavirus Employment Law - Ask me anything with LexLeyton 


Coronavirus: Looking after employee's mental health and wellbeing

According to a poll of HR professionals conducted by People Management, 一般焦虑, 由冠状病毒爆发引起的, 雇主目前面临的主要挑战是什么. This article shares tips to help you to support the wellbeing of you and your team in this difficult period.


What government support is available for tech businesses? - As the government considers bringing in stricter measures to enforce social distancing we want to take a look at what support has been provided for businesses and their employees.

We recognise that for many of our members this will be a very difficult time. 为了度过难关,我们都需要相互支持. To help we are running the following initiatives, more will come in the following weeks.

COVID-19调查-我们如何提供帮助 - We’ve set up this short survey to find out how we can deliver the most amount of value to our members, and to find out what we should feedback to government on the sector's behalf. 请参加.

#MDTechCommunity Slack Channel - Our slack channel boasts over 200 members and a dedicated #coronavirus channel in which members are sharing tips, 建议, 猫的照片和友情. We will post any support provision for businesses from government and other public bodies in this Slack group. It will also be an opportunity for those who have relevant expertise in remote working and virtual client engagement to share that with others, and for us all to discuss and share ways we can support those in our community most impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.


We are working with other UK tech clusters and our members to create guides and webinars to help businesses cope and adapt in the coming weeks and months. 

Below are webinars that have kindly been offered by businesses within our membership. If you have any content ideas you think our members might find useful, contact thom@sh-fyz.com 讨论我们如何帮你找到听众.

20/03 10:30- 11:00 Manchester Digital Webinar with Engage Your People - Remote Working - How Does it Work? 

Your organisation can gain greatly from allowing remote working but there are definitely some best practices when it comes to a more flexible workforce. This webinar will look at how to's, benefits, and what you think will work. 

25/03 16:00 - 17:00 Manchester Digital Webinar with InTec Business Solutions - Meeting in Isolation

inTec will talk through the subscriptions most organisations already have that will help to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 isolation.


ECOM的招聘提供了两个有用的指南, 给招聘经理和候选人, 全球最大的博彩平台COVID-19期间的视频采访.


当然, 以及以上, 会员仍然可以使用我们的网站发布他们的新闻, jobs and live webinar events to keep up profile and continuity in the coming weeks and months. 发现 会员福利 或联系 thom@sh-fyz.com 了解更多.


If you have any questions or would like to speak with us directly, please email info@sh-fyz.com 跟团队里的一个人谈谈. 我们再次敦促社会各界参与进来 我们的调查,这样我们就可以决定我们可以在哪里增加价值, and also to feed back to government what support is most needed

