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Building company culture in the age of remote working - Infinity Works


We sat down with Pete Coulter, Operations Director and Charlotte Goulding, Director of People to hear how Infinity Works该公司在全球最大的博彩平台拥有70多名员工,正在打造远程办公时代的文化.

听到Infinity Works如何建立新的机制来帮助人们在远程工作时照顾自己的健康,我感到很有趣. 这家数字化转型咨询公司承担起了帮助员工关注心理健康、培养使命感的责任.

Charlotte and Pete discussed the effects remote working has on our wellbeing, how new teams have gelled remotely, and what Infinity Works’ plans are when lockdown restrictions are removed.

Remote working

Talking about what the company has experienced during the last 12 months, Pete said: “Infinity Works has learnt a huge amount since lockdown began. Before the coronavirus pandemic, people occasionally had the freedom to work remotely and then suddenly, almost overnight, most companies had to go 100% remote. It’s safe to say that the general perspective on remote working has shifted.”

夏洛特承认,Infinity Works的领导们已经意识到视频通话疲劳的风险,因为在封锁期间,人们很容易忍不住通过谷歌会议(Google Meet)来开所有会议, 变焦, or Microsoft Teams.

“有时候问问自己很重要:我们可以通过电话进行这种聊天吗?” Charlotte explained. “We understand that face-to-face meetings are important, but we’re always looking at how we can design a better virtual experience. A way of working together albeit still in a video space.”

This sentiment has trickled down to the Infinity Works onboarding experience, with the company hiring more than 125 people since the pandemic started.

Infinity Works champions teamwork and how teams fit into its community. Infinity Works Academy是一个为期12周的培训项目,旨在帮助人们在科技行业开始自己的职业生涯.

夏洛特解释说:“在一份新工作中第一次与人见面可能会让人望而生畏, especially if it is their first proper job. 当每一次互动都发生在虚拟世界时,理解人们如何一起工作以及如何匹配个性的细微差别变得越来越困难.

“Our recent intake of Academy students embraced Discord, which is typically used as a communication method in the gaming community, to work seamlessly together on projects. 这是他们在虚拟世界中相互协作的好方法. 然后,他们中的一些人向整个公司介绍了使用Discord的成功,其他人现在也采用了Discord.”

From speaking with Charlotte and Pete, 很明显,与去年这个时候相比,工作方式有所发展. 该公司在员工的推动下实施了新的工作方式,以增加灵活性.

Infinity Works鼓励一种环境,即一方的成功可以使周围的所有各方都变得更好. In this case, instead of begrudgingly having to use technology selected by senior management, people found the tools which worked best for them.


在过去的12个月里,Infinity Works对健康和幸福的态度也发生了变化.

据报道,在英国各地,许多人正在经历严重的隔离, a feeling that is perhaps new to most people. On the flip side, 许多人都在努力应对必须平衡在家工作和照顾孩子的额外压力. 人们希望在承担日常责任的同时,让孩子们参与必要的学习.

How does an employer react to these issues?

夏洛特和皮特与我们分享了他们是如何从更广阔的视角看待健康的, particularly how they can look after their peoples’ mental health, sense of purpose, and social wellbeing.

Charlotte said: “Through our mental health champions, awareness weeks, and allowing people to share stories and be vulnerable, 我们正在帮助建立一种具有社区意识的文化——一种努力做到平易近人和包容的文化.

“More than 440 people now work at Infinity Works, 所有人都可以十大正规博彩网站评级不断增长和扩大的各种员工网络. The networks help people interact with colleagues, share knowledge, and reduce the negatives of remote working. We have found the initiatives are helping people to create unique work.”

Infinity Works的评估显示,人们之间的交谈有所增加. The use of mental health champions is helping open up one-on-one chats, 人事运营团队一直在定期联系每个人,了解事情的进展情况. The calls aim to understand general feelings, 同时发现一些微妙的问题,比如人们的家庭办公桌空间以及它是否舒适.

Pete added: “We understand that we can’t fix everyone's problems, but we can help empower people to get the most out of their job. 我们的领导方式是建立在真诚和分享我们的挑战以及我们如何克服它们的基础上的——每个人都处于类似的情况下."

在本质上, through continuous conversation, Infinity Works专注于了解人们的情况,并支持人们能够在家中安全高效地工作.

Future of working

最后,Pete与我们分享了Infinity Works全球最大的博彩平台重返办公室的一些计划.

“实际上,没有人知道接下来会发生什么,‘下一个常态’会是什么样子,”他说. “只有勇敢的公司才能严格回到朝九晚五的办公室, five days a week, but at the same time, not everyone wants to go fully remote.

“我们认识到每个人都是不同的,我们希望给我们的员工选择. 我们的办公室将继续开放,为人们提供与同事互动的空间. 我们正在全球最大的博彩平台寻找一个新的办事处,这将有助于创造一个支持合作的环境,当他们想要进来的时候.”

While speaking with Charlotte and Pete, 很明显,Infinity Works的决策是以信任为核心的, 他们相信自己的员工可以在他们觉得最舒服的地方完成工作.

了解Infinity Works如何并将继续接近远程工作是令人耳目一新的. Over the next few days, 您可以阅读更多全球最大的博彩平台全球最大的博彩平台数字公司成员如何在远程工作时代建立文化的信息.

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