
案例研究- QS Quacquarelli Symonds -敏捷财务规划

QS Quacquarelli

QS Quacquarelli Symonds is on a mission to empower students anywhere in the world to fulfil their potential. 它通过为高等教育机构提供广泛的服务来实现这一目标, 从排名和评分分析到学生招聘, 转换和保留服务. 2004年推出, 其QS世界大学排名 组合, has grown to become the world’s most popular source of comparative data on university performance. 该公司还举办行业会议和数字活动, 提供高等教育咨询服务, 并为注册提供软件和服务, 招生, 伙伴关系和更多.


Spreadsheet-based financial tracking and planning meant limited visibility into financial performance and too much time spent on manual tasks.


ICit worked hand-in-hand with QS to roll out 工作日适应性规划 across a complex business, 从人事和收入管理开始, 随着建模和规划的到来.


  • 提高了财务团队的生产力
  • 提高了复杂业务中员工成本的可见性
  • 实时预测,规划和更好的决策
  • 通过基于角色的访问控制提高安全性



Keeley Barnes是QS的财务规划和分析主管, where she manages a small team with a big responsibility at a company of around 650 employees. Those workers are the lifeblood of the organisation and the biggest cost in what is primarily a services-led business. That’s why QS was first and foremost looking for a better way to gain visibility into and control over headcount cost. The old way of doing things, via manually updated spreadsheets, was no longer sustainable.

“We would have around 50 spreadsheets so trying to maintain consistency and consolidate the data so that at any one point in time I knew where I stood, 真的很难,基利解释道. “There were so many different spreadsheet versions and I had to wait until each owner sent the latest version of each spreadsheet.  吃速食, 中央集权的视图, 而实时改变的能力是不可能的.”

QS复杂的结构方式加剧了这些问题, 每个业务领域在每个子公司运作.

“关注不同的税率和潜在的通胀增长, 不同的奖金方案, exchange rates and other differentials was extremely difficult with a spreadsheet-based system. 很难保持全面的一致性,”她解释说.



QS therefore invested in 工作日适应性规划 to enhance financial and business decision making, 以及员工的生产力. ICit’s collaborative approach to problem-solving was instrumental to ensuring a smooth rollout.

“From an ICit perspective you can tell they are a tight-knit group that ultimately want to deliver. 他们理解你面临的挑战,不想让你失望。. “Both of the contacts I worked with had very different approaches but they ultimately both wanted to come up with a solution, 不管它是什么, 他们乐在其中.”

随着项目的继续, 团队需要的专家投入更少, but will still approach them for insider know-how on the product from time-to-time.

到目前为止, QS has rolled-out level-assigned sheets allocated to specific roles in the business, 以便更好地管理人员成本. The tool enabled the team to seamlessly build-in various assumptions around taxes and inflationary increases on the back end. 他们也开始了收入管理, a key task in an organisation where multiple revenue models exist—from digital subscriptions to enrolment services, 以及QS活动和会议业务所需的时间点方法.

The eventual aim is to feed all the relevant sheets into Workday’s Planning Platform technology for seamless modelling, and to integrate with the firm’s NetSuite platform for automated revenue management.



基利承认,财务团队总是对变革持怀疑态度, 当她第一次推出Workday解决方案时,也没有什么不同. It has taken time to reassure them that the figures running in the platform are accurate and aligned with their traditional spreadsheet view. 然而, the impact for QS has been immediate—delivering instant real-time visibility into financial performance.

“从财务角度来看,你所在的环境中总会有一些出类拔萃的人. 然而, 我认为一旦模板设置好了, being able to download the information from Workday will mean a much quicker turnaround for the team in terms of output, 他们会看到这些好处,她解释道. “From a consolidation perspective I already get a much better and well-rounded view of things throughout the process, 而不是只在最后.”

该实现还增强了QS的安全性, thanks to roles-based access controls which allow the finance team to set restrictions on who can access what. Internally in the finance function the same capabilities are available to minimise privacy and data protection risk, 她解释说. 甚至更好的, the finance function will play a more central role in the future direction of the company.

“Getting access to that financial data in real-time will allow the team to play a more strategic role in the business. The idea is that they can build out three and five-year plans in a far easier and more time-非常高效。 manner,巴恩斯说。. “When COVID happened we went through four budget planning and forecasting scenarios, 我们是通过电子表格来做的. 如果我们有Workday,生活就会轻松得多. We’ll now do spot check forecasts and ‘temperature checks’ throughout the year because we can with Workday.”

尽管该平台最初仅供财务团队成员使用, the plan is to roll it out to the wider business to enhance self-sufficiency and visibility into budgeting and planning. 随着这种预测建模成为QS的第二天性, 希望它将创造一个更有成效的, 非常高效。, 以及高绩效组织.


We have helped many businesses around the UK implement a range of Financial Planning & 会计功能,由 工作日适应性规划.

我们的专家团队 工作日顾问 可以讨论您的确切业务需求吗, advise you on how to implement 工作日适应性规划 within your finance practices and also offer training to those staff who will be using the software day-to-day.


了解更多全球最大的博彩平台工作日适应性计划的好处, or ask any specific questions about how it could improve your current financial software options, 请今天与我们联系. info@icitbi.com



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