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Pathways to Gender Equality in the Workplace

Pathways to Gender Equality in the Workplace

📊 The Biggest Barriers to Gender Equality 

According to 31.25% of respondents, “不支持多样性的职场文化”是性别平等的最大障碍. 紧随其后的障碍是“对女性领导的支持不足”(25%)和“招聘中的性别偏见”等问题。, ’promotion processes’, and ’pay disparity’ (each at 18.75%). Interestingly, only 6.25%的受访者提到“缺乏灵活的工作政策”是最大的障碍.

📊 Supporting Women's Advancement 

当被问及支持女性在职场晋升的最有效方式时, “确保平等的成长和晋升机会”和“为工作与生活的平衡提供支持”都很突出, each garnering 31.25% of responses. 这表明强烈要求进行系统性改革,以鼓励更包容和公平的工作环境. “创建指导和赞助项目”以及“提高女性在科技领域成就的知名度和认可度”都被认为意义重大, each noted by 18.75% of respondents. 

📊 Accelerating Gender Equality in the Workplace 

With 31.25% of the vote, 作为加速性别平等的一项倡议,“针对妇女领导能力的发展项目”获得了最高的认可. 紧随其后的是“更透明的招聘和晋升流程”(25%),以及“同工同酬政策”和“定期为所有员工提供多元化和包容性培训”(均为18岁).75%).


📊Focus of Collective Action in Line With IWD 

反思2024年国际妇女节的主题,43.75%的参与者选择“提高女性在领导和决策角色中的代表性”作为集体行动的关键领域. 各有25%的受访者支持“打击一切形式的性别暴力和骚扰”。, 以及在工作场所法规中推动“妇女健康和生殖权利”.

🎬 To wrap it up 

调查强调了一个明确的共识,即必须采取多方面的方法来解决工作场所的性别差异问题. 从加强工作场所文化到促进妇女领导力发展和确保公平的成长机会, 很明显,切实的进步需要组织所有层面的承诺. As we move forward, 让我们运用这些发现,为更包容的环境铺平道路,使每个人, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive


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Recruiting for a digital world Since 2008, 数字大师一直站在将令人兴奋的候选人与前瞻性组织联系起来的最前沿,这些组织希望聘用最优秀的数字和技术人才. Our Gurus are deeply immersed in the UK digital scene, so when you engage with us, 你将与一个真正深入你所在行业的招聘合作伙伴一起工作. From emerging start-ups to globally recognised brands, 我们促进了电子商务等领域的创新, FinTech, GreenTech, Media, Retail, SaaS, and Consultancy. 我们的专长跨越:软件和网络开发,软件和云工程产品, Agile Delivery, and UX Design and ResearchData Engineering, Machine Learning, 微软Dynamics 365和Power platform变革和数字化转型it基础设施让我们与众不同? Our Digital North Events represent our unique approach. Unlike typical networking events, 这些聚会旨在促进真正的联系并激励与会者. By bringing together industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and digital pioneers, 我们创造了一个充满专业成长和创新机会的环境. 这些活动是数字和技术社区交流思想的聚会场所, absorb industry insights, and network with peers. While we don’t recruit directly at these events, 他们加强了我们与顶级人才和行业专家的联系,创造了一个由传统招聘方式通常找不到的备受追捧的专业人士组成的社区. Engage with Us Whether you're looking to hire top talent, seeking advice on your next career move, or want to get involved in one of our upcoming events, 数字大师在这里提升你的职业生涯. 通过与数字大师合作,您将与真正的产品专家合作,也就是大师. 探索机会访问我们这里查看我们提供的工作选择:目前的工作在数字大师, we do more than recruit; we build the future of digital and tech communities.  

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Digital Sales Manager

Recruiting for a digital world Since 2008, 数字大师一直站在将令人兴奋的候选人与前瞻性组织联系起来的最前沿,这些组织希望聘用最优秀的数字和技术人才. Our Gurus are deeply immersed in the UK digital scene, so when you engage with us, 你将与一个真正深入你所在行业的招聘合作伙伴一起工作. From emerging start-ups to globally recognised brands, 我们促进了电子商务等领域的创新, FinTech, GreenTech, Media, Retail, SaaS, and Consultancy. 我们的专长跨越:软件和网络开发,软件和云工程产品, Agile Delivery, and UX Design and ResearchData Engineering, Machine Learning, 微软Dynamics 365和Power platform变革和数字化转型it基础设施让我们与众不同? Our Digital North Events represent our unique approach. Unlike typical networking events, 这些聚会旨在促进真正的联系并激励与会者. By bringing together industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and digital pioneers, 我们创造了一个充满专业成长和创新机会的环境. 这些活动是数字和技术社区交流思想的聚会场所, absorb industry insights, and network with peers. While we don’t recruit directly at these events, 他们加强了我们与顶级人才和行业专家的联系,创造了一个由传统招聘方式通常找不到的备受追捧的专业人士组成的社区. Engage with Us Whether you're looking to hire top talent, seeking advice on your next career move, or want to get involved in one of our upcoming events, 数字大师在这里提升你的职业生涯. 通过与数字大师合作,您将与真正的产品专家合作,也就是大师. 探索机会访问我们这里查看我们提供的工作选择:目前的工作在数字大师, we do more than recruit; we build the future of digital and tech communities.  

Digital Gurus Ltd
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Recruiting for a digital world Since 2008, 数字大师一直站在将令人兴奋的候选人与前瞻性组织联系起来的最前沿,这些组织希望聘用最优秀的数字和技术人才. Our Gurus are deeply immersed in the UK digital scene, so when you engage with us, 你将与一个真正深入你所在行业的招聘合作伙伴一起工作. From emerging start-ups to globally recognised brands, 我们促进了电子商务等领域的创新, FinTech, GreenTech, Media, Retail, SaaS, and Consultancy. 我们的专长跨越:软件和网络开发,软件和云工程产品, Agile Delivery, and UX Design and ResearchData Engineering, Machine Learning, 微软Dynamics 365和Power platform变革和数字化转型it基础设施让我们与众不同? Our Digital North Events represent our unique approach. Unlike typical networking events, 这些聚会旨在促进真正的联系并激励与会者. By bringing together industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and digital pioneers, 我们创造了一个充满专业成长和创新机会的环境. 这些活动是数字和技术社区交流思想的聚会场所, absorb industry insights, and network with peers. While we don’t recruit directly at these events, 他们加强了我们与顶级人才和行业专家的联系,创造了一个由传统招聘方式通常找不到的备受追捧的专业人士组成的社区. Engage with Us Whether you're looking to hire top talent, seeking advice on your next career move, or want to get involved in one of our upcoming events, 数字大师在这里提升你的职业生涯. 通过与数字大师合作,您将与真正的产品专家合作,也就是大师. 探索机会访问我们这里查看我们提供的工作选择:目前的工作在数字大师, we do more than recruit; we build the future of digital and tech communities.  

Digital Gurus Ltd
Senior Frontend Developer - TypeScript / Vue.js / Nuxt.js - £70K

Recruiting for a digital world Since 2008, 数字大师一直站在将令人兴奋的候选人与前瞻性组织联系起来的最前沿,这些组织希望聘用最优秀的数字和技术人才. Our Gurus are deeply immersed in the UK digital scene, so when you engage with us, 你将与一个真正深入你所在行业的招聘合作伙伴一起工作. From emerging start-ups to globally recognised brands, 我们促进了电子商务等领域的创新, FinTech, GreenTech, Media, Retail, SaaS, and Consultancy. 我们的专长跨越:软件和网络开发,软件和云工程产品, Agile Delivery, and UX Design and ResearchData Engineering, Machine Learning, 微软Dynamics 365和Power platform变革和数字化转型it基础设施让我们与众不同? Our Digital North Events represent our unique approach. Unlike typical networking events, 这些聚会旨在促进真正的联系并激励与会者. By bringing together industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, and digital pioneers, 我们创造了一个充满专业成长和创新机会的环境. 这些活动是数字和技术社区交流思想的聚会场所, absorb industry insights, and network with peers. While we don’t recruit directly at these events, 他们加强了我们与顶级人才和行业专家的联系,创造了一个由传统招聘方式通常找不到的备受追捧的专业人士组成的社区. Engage with Us Whether you're looking to hire top talent, seeking advice on your next career move, or want to get involved in one of our upcoming events, 数字大师在这里提升你的职业生涯. 通过与数字大师合作,您将与真正的产品专家合作,也就是大师. 探索机会访问我们这里查看我们提供的工作选择:目前的工作在数字大师, we do more than recruit; we build the future of digital and tech communities.  

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