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Cybercrime isn't an if it happens to me for companies; it's when.

If you're paying a Managed Support Provider, you want to be assured that you're working with someone who understands your business's threats and caters to those needs.

Before signing your contract, 向您的IT支持提供商咨询与您的业务相关的网络安全解决方案. Whilst IT solutions look different for every business, 下面的问题将帮助您确定是否需要定制解决方案.

如何减少网络钓鱼电子邮件和其他针对我的业务的社会工程攻击? And how do I train staff to detect phishing emails better?

模拟网络钓鱼练习有助于提高员工对网络钓鱼电子邮件的认识,并保护您的业务免受日益增长的社会工程威胁的影响. 培训您的员工了解网络钓鱼攻击的样子,使他们更有可能识别和报告诈骗.

MSP应该提供全面的培训计划和资源,帮助员工了解网络钓鱼技术和社会工程策略. By raising awareness and promoting a security-conscious mindset, 您的企业可以减少成为网络钓鱼攻击受害者的机会.


你的MSP有否进行模拟网络钓鱼活动,让员工保持警觉? The Cyber Resilience Centre offers a Simulated Phishing Exercise (often coupled with our Security Awareness Training). 模拟网络钓鱼活动有助员工了解最新的网络钓鱼技术,并向他们展示最新的网络钓鱼电子邮件示例及注意事项.


对您的业务进行定期网络安全风险评估是最佳实践. 评估的复杂性和完成评估的频率取决于企业的规模和未来增长的潜力. For some, an annual assessment will suffice; however, for others who are growing significantly, 建议每隔3或6个月更频繁地进行评估.

风险评估不仅允许您的公司跟踪其硬件和软件资产, update management, password policies/usage, security awareness training programs, and network topology (layout). 但它也将为你提供丰富的证据和文件,可以用来申请和通过政府支持的网络安全计划,如网络必需品. 

We offer a Business Premium Membership, which includes a Cyber Risk Assessment. Our assessment is closely linked to an industry-standard framework and methodology and assesses risks over three fundamental categories; Basic Controls, Foundational Controls, and Organisational Controls.

Once completed, 评估结果汇编成一份易于阅读的报告,详细说明您的业务的优势和劣势, 以及可以实施的补救步骤和策略,以改善防御.

City with Cyber Lock


Remember that security is an ongoing process in your business, 当新的威胁出现时,定期评估和更新你的安全措施是至关重要的. 与您的MSP合作并保持行业最佳实践的更新也有助于提高您保护网络的能力.

MSP可以通过防止未经授权的访问来帮助保护您的网络, ensuring data is encrypted during transmission, 并加强您的业务网络的整体安全态势.

MSP可以通过以下关键措施来保护企业网络:网络安全, Encryption, Data Protection, Access Controls and Authentication.

MSPs should be working to ensure firewalls are implemented, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), 和网络分割建立实质障碍,防止未经授权的访问.

msp应确保通过公司网络传输的数据使用传输层安全(TLS)或安全套接字层(SSL)等协议进行加密。. 他们可以建立vpn (virtual private network),为远程员工和业务网络建立安全连接. Additionally, 托管服务提供商应该确保企业有数据备份和灾难恢复计划来保护关键信息.

msp应确保您的业务执行健壮的身份验证机制, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), to prevent unauthorised access. They should also implement strict access controls, 限制用户权限,确保只有授权人员才能访问敏感数据和系统.

We can offer your business a Network Vulnerability Assessment; this can be remote or internal. 远程网络漏洞评估远程审查您的业务如何像攻击者一样连接到互联网. 内部网络脆弱性评估需要访问您的内部网络和系统. 你正在模拟一个可以访问互联网的人,或者是一个内部威胁. 

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